
Well, here's the reality. Many of us have ich in our tanks and just deal with it, I'm one of them.
I have a 155 reef with a 20G refugium and between the two, I have about 20 or so fish. I know ich is in the tank, but I'm not tearing down this whole reef to catch all these fish. I keep my temperature at 78-79, if they really start to show a lot of ich, I will raise to 81. I try not go go over 79, as my corals perish as a result. Keep your fish WELL fed. I dose vitamins with every meal and use garlic frequently. I'm not completely sold on garlic being great for fish, but it doesn't hurt them either, so why not? If you have tangs, feed more algae and mix up different varieties. I feed all colors (brown, red, purple, green), Ocean Nutrition and Julian Sprung's seem to be the two best brands, at least for my fish. If I switch to plain nori from the grocery store, they pop up with ich again. Well fed fish, with little stress and excellent water parameters usually = fish that can live with ich. Will you see it from time to time? Yes. Will it likely kill your fish if kept under control? No.
I do also have cleaner shrimp and a cleaner wrasse. They can help. There is a lot of controversy in the hobby over whether cleaner wrasses should be kept in the hobby. Many of them starve. I happen to have a specimen that is in a tank with enough "sick" fish and he also eats frozen, so he's fine. If you consider one, make sure you see it eat frozen in the store. Mine has definitely been a huge player in my battle with ich. I'm getting ready to move, and once I do, I will hypo my fish, etc. But right now, setting up a 125+G QT tank is just NOT an option, so this is what I've been doing. It's been my battle for over a year and I have not lost any fish to ich.
On a side note, if you get them healthy enough to battle the ich themselves and you're not seeing it for awhile and it all of a sudden pops up again, start looking around. If they start to show signs of ich, something is up in the tank, either the water isn't where they want it, they're not being fed enough, they're stressed, etc. My sailfin in like a little canary for me, if water parameters are even slightly off or I forgot to feed seaweed that day, spots will start to show up.