Help with Idenifying weird bubbles, algae?

I had such good luck last time i thought Id try it with something else, these purple bubbles started growing right next to my green mushroom, theyre just like bubble algae, but not symetrical and smooth, they have tiny orane dots on them in no particular order or pattern, also they have grown coraline on top maybee, its lighter purple. Ive tried googling different bubble algae and no luck, I saw the fist about a month ago so theyre growing really fast, Im afraid to try to get them off 1.b/c normal bubbles reproduce that way, and 2. I think teyre really cool! Could someone help?


Active Member
Are you sure the bubbles are purple and its not clear bubbles on top of purple algae? Reason i ask is because cyanobacteria(red slime algae) could be purple and it often produces bubbles and they stick right on the algae. Any way to get a closer picture of the area?
im sure it not red algae, these are just like the green bubble algae that grow everywhere in lfs tanks, thee isnt air bubbles like the bubble mats youre talking about, theyre filled with water


Active Member
I have the same thing. I know that it is a type of macroalgea. It is a fast grower in my 10g nano. But I leave my light on too much and I feed too much.
Originally Posted by KrazeKajin
I have the same thing. I know that it is a type of macroalgea. It is a fast grower in my 10g nano. But I leave my light on too much and I feed too much.

Have they invaded, taken over any corals? I like them, so I think ill keep if they wont kill the mushroom and go after my green stars!


Active Member
Originally Posted by BillyandBlenny
im sure it not red algae, these are just like the green bubble algae that grow everywhere in lfs tanks, thee isnt air bubbles like the bubble mats youre talking about, theyre filled with water
Could it be Caulerpa?
Originally Posted by reefreak29
botryocladia pseudodichotoma
Sea Grapes? Thats awfully close but these arent growing on stalks like those, also these have orange spots on them, theyre growing in clusters. I dont think these pics are any better but maybee.

Cool, for now ill call them sea grapes, can I keep these under control or should I mass murder these befor they do the same to my shrooms and polyps?


Active Member
have you lookd up red bubble algae? from you description, that's what it sounds like.. if you have a small tank, good luck getting rid of it. about the oly thing you can do is remove every piece of rock, and clean it while it's out of the water. if you have a large tank, you can put in a foxface. they are the only thing i know of that eats it.