help with lighting and water


New Member
Hi I have a few questions that I am sure have been asked before but I couldnt find my answers with the search so here I am.
1st - I have a 26 gal acrylic sea clear2 system, I think its 26, maybe its 29. My husband really wants a reef tank so after our last fish died on us I said we could change over. He used tap water to fill the tank last water change, now a guy at one of the fish stores told us that if we used tap water even once we can never use that aquarium for reef. Said we could never get out the copper and copper would kill all reef types. Is this true? do we have to get a new tank just for reef? or can we start useing distilled and be ok?
2nd - lighting ? I was useing 2 "power glo" 20w bulbs. I dont know much about what means what on lights but I can tell you its says 18000k on it. Now my hubby comes home with a "Marine glo" bulb that says its for salt water coarls and inverts, it is also 20w. It says its "very high in the blue spectrum and is visible actinic blue spectrum.
Will this work for corals and inverts? how about clams or mullusks?
We have 10lb lr and 20lb of LS. What more do I need? I guess this is considered a nano tank?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!:confused:


first question is false, imo... i started my 125G with a garden hose :D (cant imagine buying 125g worth of ro/di) . just make sure after the initial setup, use ro/di water afterwards, for water changes and top offs.
your a bit low in lighting. really depend on what you plan on keeping in the tank. clams will definately not work with that type of lighting
you'll need a bit more lr. maybe 30-40lbs worth, would be good


New Member
Thanks for the reply! we will get more LR asap, what will good lr look like? I picked the piece we have for its looks, not much of the purple stuff on it but has some other interesting things. I will try to get a pic tomorrow.
If we just want some anemenies (sp?) or polyps, buble things, sponge, fans, sticks, ect. will our lighting be ok? what should we change?
Sorry I dont know the names of things we want but I am sure you all do. I would like just a fire fish and hubby wants some shrimps and crabs to with the inverts. I wanted a clam but can live with out.


just choose the big pieces... i'd made a mistake and bought a whole load of small pieces when starting the tank. I'd recently took more then 50% of my lr out and replace them with bigger ones. what a waste of money!
as for your coral selection... i think the colts and some zoo's, shrimps, crabs and mushrooms are a good start. you can slowly introduce other corals when your tank matures.
The picture that you see is 3 months into setting up my tank. dont rush into it, like i did... it turn out great for me, but may not for you... as most people will agree, take it slow. i just dont have the patience, luckily it turn out positive.


Active Member
If you want to keep corals you need stronger lighting (3-5 watts per gallon). On a tank your size you may be best to go with power compact (PC) lighting. 2 65 watt PC lights should be fine. You can get 2 50/50 bulbs, or one daylight bulb and 1 actinic. There are different colors of daylight bulbs but the most common is a 10000k bulb. This bulb is very white in color. The actinic is purple and is good for coral and anemone growth.


New Member
ok I guess we will have to head back to the lfs for lighting.
My hubby said he wants Anemones, Pink tip hatian, fl condi, and white sebae. they all look alike to me.:notsure:


New Member
calvindo nice tank! hubby likes it maybe I can get him to get ours looking like that! thanks for the pic!


Active Member
I would not mix anenomie species, they will declare war on one another in such a small tank. Also anenomies require a very well established tank with prestine water conditions and need very strong lighting. After the initial cycle (if you do not know what a cycle is then do a search on the forum...lots of info) you will need to wait a MINIMUM of 6 months before you could consider adding an anenomie.
Good Luck and welcome to the board.