Help with Lighting, New at this


New Member
Hi, I just bought an entire set-up from a friend and I am building a reef tank. The light he included with the tank is a Current USA Satellite power compact light - I guess 10,000k and 460nm Actinic.... Will this be acceptable for beginning reef tank? I am thinking I should replace the bulbs, but do I have to buy a new lighting system? I would rather put my money into the coral or fish if I can.
Thanks! :)
Also, I need a protein skimmer.. Would love one that does not hang on the back of tank, but I do not have a sump... Any suggestions? Are there any skimmers that hang on the back, but have smaller parts in the water? I don't want a big portion of my tank to have a device in it...


Active Member
very minimal light imo. wont be too good for most corals including zoas. the thing most people should invest in is light, when keeping corals. it wont do u any good or really save u money if ur corals keep dying or not thriving. u will end up spending more money long term if u go cheap with the light.


New Member
My tank is a 45 or 46 gallon. I just bought it the whole set up from a friend, and he can't remember...
So even with new bulbs it won't work for corals? Do you have any recommendations for a new lighting system? I definitely don't want to start blowing money or corals that won't last. Thank you!


Active Member
even with 2 new pc bulbs, ur choice of corals will be extremely limited. in addition, the corals that u can keep wont thrive or grow very fast. invest in a good lighting fixture. if u r handy, go retro and save some money. t5 with individual reflectors or mh, and u r set for anything.


I have to play a little devil's advocate here. I am probably setting myself up for some flaming, but I had to say something
. Depending on what your finaces look like, you probably could start setting up your tank as a reef even if only using PC lighting. Now I am by no means saying not to get a T5 fixture, or a MH if you can splurge, just saying it is possible to start a reef tank, and upgrade later if you already have the equipment and might not be able to swing the $ for a new fixture. In retrospect I wish I would have gotten a T5 fixture rather than my PC....but at the time, the PC was right there...and since I was at the LFS and just wanted something better than my regular lights on the tank. Had I taken my time, I would have done things different....alas hind sight is always 20/20. Anyway here are a couple pics.
Tank when I set it up in April of this year:

Tank as of today 5 months later (little over exposed....still fighting with the new D80):

I do dose with CoralVite, Liquid Reactor, and feed cyclopseeze for the softies or mysis shrimp for the LPS.
Of course I totally agree that your choices corals are somewhat limited...But you could atleast start a little bit...untill you decide what lighting to get, or financially can afford it (which is my case....sheet rock is spendy
). I am running PC lighting and things are going pretty well for me for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I am totally going for a new T5 fixture once the wife is satisfied with the basement being finished....that darned basement seems to be my major money sink at the moment
. Can things be better? Duh, of course, but things are fine for the time being, and everything is happy (especially in my 29g tall....totally need a 90g
). So untill the remodel is finished, PC and a small aquarium is what I get stuck with.
So in conclusion:
1. Yes lighting is huge, and if you can afford the upgrade, DO IT NOW!

2. If you can't make it happen financially, do be turned off right away. Ask questions and do some research. There are a good selection of corals that will be just fine under PC lighting.
Please don't think I am trying to be a know-it-all by any means. I am merely sharing my experience.
P.S. Right now the bulbs I have in there are Current 50/50 bulbs, 10,000k - 460 actinic 65W. They seem to be working just fine. I do miss the color pop my corals had when under the 420 actinics....*sigh* maybe when these need replacing....I can't even spend $50 on new bulbs I am so broke...
. So I am currently taking donations for new a new fixture
. Call it the "My wife takes all my money I want to spend on my reef tank, and spends in on crazy stuff like a house" fund. I am sure I am not alone in needing one of these funds