Help with lighting!


I have a 20 gallon long that I want to sent up for some corals and polyps. I understand that I need to purchase the correct lighting. But I am having trouble finding the right one. I don't know which one will fit my current hood(it's stock). Or do I need to buy a whole new hood?? Could somebody help me out or point me in the right direction?? Thanks


if you are gonna get some decent lighting, build a decent hook and get a retrofit kit for it. That way you can make it fit your tank. I think 96W PCs should be good for that, one 10000K, and one actinic. Plus if you get a retrofit, it can be removed and mounted in a different hood if you make another lter. A retro should include a reflector, ballast, bulbs, and mounting hardware.


Yeah, but its so easy. If you go to petsmart or somwhere and just look at how one is made, you'll be money. You always have the option of haning it from the ceiling with some chain and hooks in the ceiling (in studs obviously) that way its suspended above the tank and theres no need for a lid that opens. It would esentially be the same dimensions as your tank, just open on the bottom for the light to shine out.


If you want to use your existing fixtures, go to your LFS and buy the 50/50 bulbs. These will get you by until you can build or buy better lighting. Your LFS should have the bulbs for around $25.00 each.