help with lighting

anyone know were i can found a 195 watt metal halide,
i checked and only found 175 watts which i think is not enough for a 65 gallon tank that i wana keep coral in and 250watt which is more expensive and i dont think i need any 250 watts of lighting so help plz

pa reef pig

Why do you think you need 195watt MH bulb?
I dont think they make that wattage.
What are the dimensions of your tank?
What are you going to keep in there?


Can't say I've heard of a 195 watt mh, but I would recommend the 250. It is a little more expensive, but with the better lighting, it will open up possibilities for a variety of corals. 175 watts is enough for a lot of corals also, especially if you supplement with VHO's or PC's.
i was planning on keeping an anemone and i thought you multiply 3 watts by each gallon your tank holds this might be wrong and it it is can you tell me how much watts i need?