Help with linofish setup


New Member
Hello all. I'm will be setting up a SW tank, And i would like to know if lionfish are good to start with, as i'm new to sw. I have a 120gal tank 84"L 18"h 18"w it will be FOWLR. If they are, what type of Filter System would i need. They will be the "key" species that the tank will be built around. How many can i keep + i would like some other fish as. Thank you mick.


I have a volitan, but i dont recommend u one if u re a starter... they re very easy to look but if u re a starter, u dont know how big they get, i think its small for a lion (125), actually they get fine in a 100 even but it looks very bad, they look very... er.... rude, i mean they get (head to tail) maximum 16" and they get more than (fin to fin) 20-25"... i think if u re thinking for long period, (they live more than 20 years) dont buy one, i recommend them for 200 gals and buy a dwarf fuzzy* or an antennata (i recommend dwarf fuzzy)! They re cool too. You can add even clownfish too w/ them. But a volitan can look good in a cubic 200 gal or more!


New Member
Hi thanx for the info. I was looking at getting dwarf fuzzy or an antennata. Do you know What type of Filter System would i need. All i have is the tank, my FW filter's stuff up.


I am not very pro w/ filters, it better to have biotank under your main tank it must 1/4 size of your tank (at least) and you ll put substrat, mech and coral peace...


First off, I suggest a LOT of LR, at least the whole length of the back, as lions are deffinitely reef dwellers and will benefit highly from the sense of well being this gives them.
As long as you're using a sump and a good skimmer, you should be OK with a relatively shallow sustrate.
We've had the best luck by using VHO lighting and lots of macroalgae encouraged to grow on the LR, as it helps with the nitrates that come from well fed predatory feeders (nitrogen=fertilizer)
As to you tank size, we'd suggest dwarf lions, fuzzy dwarfs, antennatas and or FuManchu lions (most get along very well, with the exception of the occassional beligerant male, particularly in fuzzy dwarfs)
If you're going with smaller lions, rather than a grouper, might I suggest instead either medium/large hawkfish or hamlets(these might not be available in australia, being Caribbean, but the blue offsets the lions red very nicely)
Some of the smaller Aussie sea bream (blues and yellows) would also work well.....they aren't commonly available in this area, but we've enjoyed any we've ever had and are continually on the lookout for them.
Another possibility with your long, low tank would be leaf-fish, sea goblins and other smaller scorpions, as they are bottom dwellers and mix very well with no aggression, pls have the same food requirements.


New Member
As for the lionfish i was looking at the antennatas. And i will look in to the other fish. Thanx for the help.