Help with lionfish!!!!!!!!


:help: So we adopted a lionfish from a fish store and he won't eat! We have tried frozen and live goldfish at night too. Also he is hanging around at the top, but not like dying, his eye is at the surface. He doesn't have a crevice or cave yet but he is the only fish in a 55. I don't know the water perimeters but the temp is at 80.4 and the salinity is stable. What is happening???!!!


How many new posts about this problem are you going to do? This is the third one I've seen. And no one can help you if you can't do any water tests.


I used to feed my lion ghost shrimp, and rosey reds. Golfish are really bad for him if he would eat it! I do know that you really should'nt feed any freshwater fish to a sw fish but my lion did great eating the ghost shrimps, and roseys. (they are a smaller fw feeder fish) He never would eat anything that was not kicking! He was just awesome and last week I came home with a maroon clown, and found my lion dead on the carpet. He had obviously jumped out the tank. :( Sooooooooooo Sad. Anywho, are you shure your tank is cycled? If you don't know your parameters and it's only been a month he could die from the amonia spike. You really need to make shure your water parameters are on the up and up BEFORE adding fish. Do you have a test kit? Well post back, and if I can help you, I will. I will be online again tomarrow, so I will check back on ya! Good luck!


So we adopted a lionfish from a fish store and he won't eat!
How long have you had the lion?
Do you know how long this lion was at the LFS before you purchased it?
What kind of lion do you have?
What size is this lion?
What type of frozen have you tried?
Also he is hanging around at the top, but not like dying, his eye is at the surface. He doesn't have a crevice or cave yet but he is the only fish in a 55.
This is OK, many lions will do this especially Volitans. Mine hang out at the top daily and will sleep upside down at the top.
As for live I would look at ghost shrimp for your lion, before feeding the ghost shrimp to your lion feed the shrimp something nutritional first.


goldfish are not natural in the ocean, so I realy would recomed getting the lion away from feeders and on to ghostshrimp.


Originally Posted by V-Lioness
This is OK, many lions will do this especially Volitans. Mine hang out at the top daily and will sleep upside down at the top.
As for live I would look at ghost shrimp for your lion, before feeding the ghost shrimp to your lion feed the shrimp something nutritional first.
Right on!
My lion always did crazy things like that too. Upside down is one of thier favorite ways to sleep.
Oh man, I really miss mine. I had him almost 5 months before he commited suicide.
(jumping out of the tank) He was my favorite!