Help with lionfish!


:help: So we adopted a lionfish from a fish store and he won't eat! We have tried frozen and live goldfish at night too. Also he is hanging around at the top, but not like dying, his eye is at the surface. He doesn't have a crevice or cave yet but he is the only fish in a 55. I don't know the water perimeters but the temp is at 80.4 and the salinity is stable. What is happening???!!!


Active Member
Why "adopt" a fish that you cant care for yourself?
What species of Lion are we talking about? Test your water parameters. Stop offering goldfish and start offering Ghost Shrimp.


Active Member
This is my antennata. He only ate ghost shrimp but now he's eating frozen mysis.


Lions sometimes like to hangout side ways or even upside down. No problem there.
Like others have said, do not feed goldfish or guppies. They are not good for them and tend to promote disease. He should take to ghost shrimp easily. Get him eating live ghost shrimps first then try frozen mysis.