Help with low PH


I have noticed that I am having problems with keeping the ph in my FOWLR tank above 7.8. Normally it runs at 7.6. Other parameters are salinity at 1.023, nitrites are at 0, nitrates at 10, and amonia at less than .25. Water changes done 10 - 15 % once a month with coralife salt. What is causing the low ph, and how do I fix it. For now do I just add ph up from the store??


it could be a few things. Low alkalinity, High indoor CO2, or not enough surface agitation to disipate co2 produced by you inhabitance.
I would start with your alkalinity first. it needs to be somewhere between 7-11.


I have a quetion to add to his. How do you test alkalinity I have a deluxe red sea test kit and there is nothing in there to test that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mine?
I have a quetion to add to his. How do you test alkalinity I have a deluxe red sea test kit and there is nothing in there to test that.
Salifert make a really good test kit for alkalinity!! Their calcium and magnesium are also really good... in fact I use all Salifert kits. Look in the dry goods section here <<<<<

the reef

Originally Posted by Mine?
I have a quetion to add to his. How do you test alkalinity I have a deluxe red sea test kit and there is nothing in there to test that.
there is also a converstion of the tests down in my thread that I posted


I do not know the specifics but if you test your PH first thing in the morning after it has been dark all night your reading will be lower. Recheck again after the lights have been on for 12 hrs. and I am certain it will be higher. Something about darkness lowers the PH in the tank or vice versa. The PH in my tanks tests at 7.8 in the A.M. and 8.0 or higher in the P.M. This may sound like a wild fluxation which is not good but thats what I get and my fish and few corals are thriving....corals are only 2-4 weeks in the tank. My PH readings have been like this for the last 2 months ( since the tanks inception). I do not use a buffer at this point because of the consistant readings. I also do a 3 gallon per week water change using Instant Ocean. I have a 54 gallon tank.
Another note because I did add buffer once. Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Proper PH 8.2 *does* contain phosphates. Pour a little in your top off water. Make sure the top off water tests zero for phosphates... then watch your phosphate readings instantly max out. Aqaurium Pharmiceutical refused to readdress this after their product was retested using demineralized water and also by a local marine fish supplier.
Take care, Wayne


Active Member
The morning to night swing is due to O2 and CO2. CO2 is used up during photosyntheses (daytime) and O2 is released increasing the PH... at night the process is reversed. This is why running your refuge lighting opposite of the display lighting will stabilize your PH.
Buffers should only be used to increase alkalnity... not to increase the PH.

the reef

Originally Posted by Mine?
I have a quetion to add to his. How do you test alkalinity I have a deluxe red sea test kit and there is nothing in there to test that.
if it has a kh test kit this is the alkalinity test