help with lymphocystis


New Member
Hello everybody,
Well I have a Coral Beauty in a QT tank for the last two weeks in the last week or so she had white stuff on her fins (lymphocystis) well after reading more on lympho I have been doing frequent water changes and it didnt seem to work well yesterday I did a 5 min fresh water dip and today about 80% of the white stuff is gone. My question is do I do another FWD or do I just wait it out?. I 've read FWD is not always recomended that the best thing to do is to better the water quality. She is eating well. So what do you think? Another ? is lymphocystis contagious?
Thank you for your time.


New Member
Thanks jwtrojan44, I have been soaking the food with selcon. How long after I see no more white stuff on her should I wait to put her in the main tank?


jwtrojan i read that lympho was contagious through direct contact?
i recently had an outbreak and the first one to get it was the hippo tang, then achilles and then boxfish and watchman goby never got it. i figured becasue those 3 fish are always harrassing each other was the reason it spread between them.
JUst curious