Help with maxi jet power head


I purchased a maxi jet 600 for my 10 gallon. I hung it on the back wall and plugged it in, and a huge wall of bubbles was created. Is this wall of bubbles normal? It seemed overpowering. Where should I position this thing? I had it blowing across the tank at the front wall and it seemed extreme. Can anyone post some pics of their in action and where they place it in the tank. Thanks


Active Member
When I have 1st cut all mine on they did that for about 3 seconds then they stopped...Do you have the Airhose on it..Or did you close the hole?


Is your power head completely submerged? Sometimes if there not,they will suck in some air and cause the bubbles.


it was completely submereged and I had the air hose clamp on. Should I take it off? Also, where should I place this thing. thanks for the speedy responses


Active Member
It should have came with a little clear plug..Take out the air hose and put that plug in the hole...Problem fixed..


thanks, that fixed it. How do you position yours? Right now I have it pointed upwards and blowing against the back wall from the left side of the tank.


I put mine on the sides and back 4 facing down, 3 facing towards the middle but slightly down and 2 low and facing up, Just use them to help get rid of dead spots. Also on the air bubbles use the little knob adapter on some air hose to control the bubbles.


Active Member
It sure would be nice for you to be able to start new threads. Have you contacted SWF with your problem?


Originally Posted by Slice http:///forum/thread/266214/help-with-maxi-jet-power-head#post_3320937
It sure would be nice for you to be able to start new threads. Have you contacted SWF with your problem?
hahahah, its horrible that I no longer have to explain my problem -- everyone just knows.. :S Yea, I've contacted them 10 times... From the 'contact us' feed back form, and also the user account -- private message, and the public 'wall message'... Hope I'm not annoyin people by pickin up threads from years ago... ?