Help With My Black Volitan


New Member
i just recently purchased a black voliton lion 1 week ago. He is in a 55g gallon tank with 2 other mates that they seem to get along great, but i can not get my lion to eat anything. ive tried live and frozen food......please help and send suggestion i do not want to lose him.


Originally Posted by cameron1108
i just recently purchased a black voliton lion 1 week ago. He is in a 55g gallon tank with 2 other mates that they seem to get along great, but i can not get my lion to eat anything. ive tried live and frozen food......please help and send suggestion i do not want to lose him.
Check your nitrate level, this along with a few other things is a likely culprit.


Also, barring illness, lions can be sulky when their environment is messed with. He may just need some time to settle in and get comfortable. Keep trying foods but I bet he will eat when he has punished you enough. They can be very touchy, lol.


lions can be sulky when their environment is messed with
They sure can ........ I agree, try and try again with the foods, if your lion is young (small), you may want to try feeding smaller chunks, see if this will work, try a variety such as Krill, frozen Sand Eels, Raw Shrimp, Octo, Squid, Scallops and so on...


New Member
he is a smaller lion, i try feeding with small krill and small tuffies for live food..... he seems alot more active during night time with the moon leds....... its not like it looks like hes sick its just that hes not eating yet, its only been 1 week should i be conserned or just keep trying ?


Try feeding after the lights are out, they are night predators, when they are introduced in to our tanks, we train them to our feeding schedule. If your lion is young, I would not let it go to long.


Active Member
Generally lions will only eat live food when you first get them. You should start him eating by getting him some ghost shrimp once a week to get him comfortable. He'll definitely eat these if he's healthy. During this time, you should try to get him accostomed to frozen food.
I have found that a food like silversides is a good starter food. Thaw it and then take it by the tail. Hold the silverside with the fish in the water but your hand slightly out of water. Wiggle it a little. Your lion will get interested and eventually will take it from your hand. When this happens, he will start to take frozen without being handfed.
This has always worked for me.