help with my drain!


can someone please help me with my drain in my overflow. i forgot what my old 1 looked like and now trying to set up my 75 gallon im lost. a pic would be very helpful. i dont know if it should be just a 90 degree elbow or should it be 180?


here is a pic of what i think it should look like. am i right? and there should be a hole drilled in the top someplace?


so this will work for a 1" pipe setup? whats a street elbow? just a 90 degree elbow? how small should the hole be and how far from the top of the overflow should it stand? sorry for the questions just the tank didnt have the pipes in it do i have to make them


Active Member
Originally Posted by vandy12069
so this will work for a 1" pipe setup? whats a street elbow? just a 90 degree elbow? how small should the hole be and how far from the top of the overflow should it stand? sorry for the questions just the tank didnt have the pipes in it do i have to make them
Yes this will work on a 1" drain. Street elbow is an elbow the will fit OVER a PVC pipe and the other fits in a PVC fitting. I use them to reduce space.
The hole you shopuld start with is 1/8" and increase until the OF runs quite.
The vent hole should be at the top of the tank height. Make it even with the trim on the tank.
No water will not come out of the vent b/c the water will flow down.
Vandy take it easy, sorry i didn't get back and left you hangin but I'm only on in the morning usually. Shoot me a PM if you want....


ok thanks for the info. ive been in saltwater for almost 10 years now. my previous name on here was seannmelly with like 3000 posts but now melly is no longer in the pic i had to get a new name. ive never had to set up a drain pipe my 125 had them already in it. sorry for being in a rush but you know how it is to want your tank set up. its been almost a year since ive had a tank and i cant waite to get it up a running


Active Member
Originally Posted by vandy12069
ok thanks for the info. ive been in saltwater for almost 10 years now. my previous name on here was seannmelly with like 3000 posts but now melly is no longer in the pic i had to get a new name. ive never had to set up a drain pipe my 125 had them already in it. sorry for being in a rush but you know how it is to want your tank set up. its been almost a year since ive had a tank and i cant waite to get it up a running
No worries! Sorry to hear about melly. I think I remember you....

Any other questions just give a shout.


im glad shes gone lol. anyway......yea i had a full 125 gallon reef but i moved to a new apartment wich was too small for a 6 ft tank so i sold it. now i can only have a 4ft tank so i got a good deal on a 75 gallon reef ready with stand and canopy.