Help with my featherduster


I was hoping someone could tell me the best place for my new featherduster coral? Can it be placed on a LR or does it have to stay on the substrate? What about water flow? Can it be near one of my jets or up close to my lights???? Any help, as always , would be very helpful.


feather dusters dont need light, they are a filter feeding worm. It will attach to a rock or you can set it in the subtrate. flow is good but not to much.


I personally like mine burried in the substrate with about a 1/2" to an 1" sticking out. I read somewhere that this is how the live naturally. I protects their parchment like tube from getting damaged or eaten, plus I like the looks of them better like this.
as far as flow you don't want them directly in a high flow zone, a medium to low flow is best.


Active Member
While its pretty well not an issue if its on LR opr substrate either with tube in substrate or on top, you will find they do better on substrate with some of the tube at leat covered, as it keeps the tube a bit more protected, but they usually do fine most anywhere. They are not light dependant, like some flow. Just enought flow so they sort of flutter and move slightly, not that much flow that it bends their crowns back or makes them move violently. They can and will move to some extent but not a lot.