help with my filter setup.


hey guys I know this sounds like a dumb question but I want to really be sure. My filter setup is a CPR overflow box going down to a 30 gal tank underneath my tank. The water then spreads out over those brown bio spunges for filtration. Then back to the tank. I felt that wasn't enough so I added a penguin filter with bio wheels. I feel I need to add more. I also want a way to naturally lower my nitrates and nitrites. So amy help with this will be great. Also any other setup recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Active Member
For starters you should post what size tank you have, what type of substrate, how much live rock, what type of tank, reef, FOWLR, FO......
Since there are SO many ways to set up a tank you can get many opinions. I like to have my tank balanced where the bio-load and the amount of LS and LR that I have are balanced so that I do nto rely on external filters.


sorry I have a 75 gallon tank fish only. With about 40lbs of Fiji rock and maybe about the same with the sand. I also have crushed coral mixed in with the sand. I was thinking of putting a protein skimmer in the bottom tank. Any thoughts.


Active Member
OK I will correct myself about the external filtration. A skimmer could be considered an external filter. A skimmer is a must for your system. As far as your substrate I do not recommend mixing CC and LS. CC works by trapping all of your deitritus (Junk, waste etc.) and then you vacuum it out of the CC. LS works by having bugs and critters and bacteria that breakdown the waste that lands in your LS. You do NOT vacuum the sand. They do not work well together. It is like mixing oil based and water based paint. Either one will work well on it's own, mix them together and they do not work well.
Sorry for the typos, in a rush this morning and my fingers are not working right.


Well-Known Member
by a natural means, you can use live sand in the main display tank. This will definately decrease the amount of nitrates.
If you want, you can construct a nice deep sand bed out of a salt bucket, a couple of flanges and some pipe work. You could theoretically also do the same thing and create a fluidized bed filter. Those are both natural means to get rid of waste.
I definately recommend a protein skimmer. It will pull out a lot of the waste that forms in the water column that eventually breaks down and causes problems with hair algae and cyanobacteria.


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
by a natural means, you can use live sand in the main display tank. This will definately decrease the amount of nitrates.
If you want, you can construct a nice deep sand bed out of a salt bucket, a couple of flanges and some pipe work. You could theoretically also do the same thing and create a fluidized bed filter. Those are both natural means to get rid of waste.
I definately recommend a protein skimmer. It will pull out a lot of the waste that forms in the water column that eventually breaks down and causes problems with hair algae and cyanobacteria.
what are salt buckets, flanges fluidized bed filter. i am very new to this all now that i got a bigger tank i want to really make things work. if you can make it into retard words that would be