Help with my leather!


I just got a green leather coral about 3 days ago, when i brought it home it looked healthy and fine.

and now 3 days later it looks like this, with brown crap on it that looks like snot. whats wrong? it gets alot of light, flow, and i blasted it with some food this morning when i noticed it like that. anybody?


I think most leathers will end up shedding their skin when introduced to a new enviroment, mine recently did this was not looking too good at first but is growing like crazy now. I remember reading that if the skin does not break it won't shed which is bad, tou might try using a baster to spray some additional flow on the brown part
oh and I cannot see the pic because I am at work so I am not exactly sure of the condition you are describing so I would also suggest waiting for more replies


I got one a few days ago and it looked really bad for the first couple of days but I left it alone like everyone said and now it looks great. Take a look.


Active Member
Looks like it's shedding, leave it alone. A lot of leathers will close up for days to weeks on end over something trivial like a water change or getting moved, they are usually very hardy but kinda touchy to change. Also you can't feed leathers really, they live off light and nutrients in the water. When they are dying the flesh turns black if it's rotting or sometimes they will turn lighter and start falling into a million pieces, they will be firm if they are healthy although they can be discolored a little, that's normal. If it starts truly dying frag it up. I melted (bad heater) my green toadstool and fragged it to pieces, a few died but most made it and now the babies are just as big as the first colony was, they grow pretty darn fast IME.