My montipora has recently started to turn white at its edge and looks to be disintegrating slowly (the damage shown in the picture is 3 days worth). It's not bleaching. When I first saw it, I thought a crab had knocked it into a piece of LR or something, it looks like it's been physically grinded. Where it turns white the coral seems to fall away in tiny pieces. I can't think of a thing that has changed in my tank in the past week, other than a partial waterchange on Monday.
Any ideas on what it's doing, why, and how can I stop it?
The frag is located directly under a 96W PC 10,000K and a 96W PC True Actinic. There is additional PC lighting on the tank but I don't think it reaches this coral.
Here are the tank conditions as of the time of the photo:
Temp: 80
Specific Gravity: between 1.023 & 1.024
Ca: 520 mg/L
KH: 110 mg/L
Nitrates: 5 mg/L
Nitrites: <0.1 mg/L
Ammonia: 0
pH: I have a hard time color-matching the chart, definitely 7.5-8.5, I think it's closest to 8.0
I buffer with Bionic 2-part calcium buffer. I also have another monti, a colt, leather toadstool, pagoda, and frogspawn in the tank that seem to be thriving. I have had a small bag of carbon in the sump for about a week now.
Thanks for any ideas. I love this piece, don't want to see it damaged!
Any ideas on what it's doing, why, and how can I stop it?
The frag is located directly under a 96W PC 10,000K and a 96W PC True Actinic. There is additional PC lighting on the tank but I don't think it reaches this coral.
Here are the tank conditions as of the time of the photo:
Temp: 80
Specific Gravity: between 1.023 & 1.024
Ca: 520 mg/L
KH: 110 mg/L
Nitrates: 5 mg/L
Nitrites: <0.1 mg/L
Ammonia: 0
pH: I have a hard time color-matching the chart, definitely 7.5-8.5, I think it's closest to 8.0
I buffer with Bionic 2-part calcium buffer. I also have another monti, a colt, leather toadstool, pagoda, and frogspawn in the tank that seem to be thriving. I have had a small bag of carbon in the sump for about a week now.
Thanks for any ideas. I love this piece, don't want to see it damaged!