help with my mushrooms!


New Member
i have blue mushrooms, well they're more voilet than anything. anyways, ever since i bought them they haven't been coming out real well. they stay little and sort of shrivled. h2o perameters good: amonnia o, nitrite 0, nitrate 20ppm, Ca from 400-450 ppm. i have 150 watts on a 50 gal, through power compacts. can you help me please. !!


Active Member
Where are they placed in the tank? Blue mushrooms require low amounts of light and should be placed towards the bottom.


New Member
well i have put them in the middle and on the ground but i havent really seen a difference. i will put them low and see what that does.


Active Member
I would try putting some on the very bottom and some on the very top....see which do better. There are some types of mushrooms that light medium - high light while others want low. I've read that blue mushrooms like less light then some others....but I don't know how many different types of blue mushrooms there are so I would try it both ways.


I agree with Azonic about the lighting. I have the same shrooms, and if they get to much light they won't open. Also, weekly additions of iodine could help if you don't already do so.