Help with my new 125 gal tank


New Member
I am so excited I just got a 125 gallon tank!!! I have a few questions, and I trust ya'll opinions.
Sorry for the totally newbie questions. How long will this tank need to cycle before I can move my fish into it? I will be moving my fish and lr from my 55 gallon into the new tank. Is it silly for me to move my ls into the new tank also, or should I just buy new?
And does anyone have any ideas for new fish? I already have:
Flame Angel
2 Perc Clowns
Purple Tang (I was going to have to take him back after ya'll said he shouldnt have been in my 55 gal, that's why the boyfriend bought me the new tank!)
What else can I put in there? I was thinking 3-5 chromis, I also like clown gobies (can they be in pairs?) I would love any other ideas for when the new tank gets cycled and ready?
Thanks for your help!


Active Member
Congrats on the new tank!!! 125's are awesome tanks, lots of room to aquascape it, and low profile so as not to need really powerful lighting. Is this a 6 foot or 5 foot tank? Just curious. Mine is a 125 also, 6ft.
Now on to your questions. Moving the live sand? If your tank (55) has been established a long time I would say take SOME of the sand to seed new sand, put this sand on top of the new sand. Just the top layer of the old sand, don't stir up the dirt on the bottom. If it is fairly new set-up then by all means move the sand over, adding new sand on the bottom, this sand on top. You never want to choke out the old sand. As far as the water, make up new saltwater and add some of your water to it. Do a water change in the 55 and add this to the 125. Let the cycle begin, and add the rock when the parameters are zero. Then add the fish. I'm assuming the tank is going in a different spot so you have plenty of time to move things over.


New Member
Thanks for all the help on the cycling process! That really helps. It is a 6 ft tank. That will be good for the tang right? I never want to stress out a fish!


Active Member
Absolutely!!! For the longevity of the purple tang the 6ft of swimming space will be a benefit. You should have many long years with him. Good luck with the new tank.


New Member
Thanks! Anyone have any suggestions on what else I can put in the new tank? It always takes me so long to decide which fish I want the most I might as well start thinking now! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by candwill
Thanks! Anyone have any suggestions on what else I can put in the new tank? It always takes me so long to decide which fish I want the most I might as well start thinking now! :happyfish
Look into any of the fairy wrasses. I have a solar wrasse, sometimes called a redheaded wrasse that is not only beautiful, but always out and about. Reef safe, so you don't have to worry about any of your ornamental shrimp.
Check out wetwebmedia dot com. A wealth of info on saltwater tanks and loads of fish info.