Help With My New Clown


I bought a false percula last night and after acclimating him he went straght to the top corner of my tank and has stayed there. He looks fine and seems to be breathing ok. He Just stays at the top corner of my tank swimming in about a 1 inch square? Is this normal and how much time should I give him if it isnt? I have 2 condi anenemes 1 algea blenny 2 serpent stars and 2 pepermint shrimp and some corals.


New Member
I have 2 true perculas, and they did the same thing. Now they made their home in the same corner just in the middle now; been there for around 5 months now. I'd say as long as he isn't suffering for breathes of air he should be fine.


Active Member
Had the same thing here, new small addition stayed near the top in the corners. Took a couple of days before they started exploring the rest of the tank.