Help With My New Koran Angel


My Koran Angel has been in my tank for about a week and i've noticed that he has white patches all over his body. It's like someone took an eraser to him. ALso his fins show a little tear in them He still eats good and has a place to hide. I also know the purple tang chases him around a little too. Any idea what it is and what i should do?
i got garlic juice you can also use garlic extract from safeway. i just let my frozen food melt dumped in a little garlic juice mixed it together then refroze it. make enough to last a week to ten days or so.


New Member
Ok first thing you have to do is GET THAT FISH OUT! I had the same problem with my beutiful 8" Blue Angel. Sadly it did not make it. My biggest problem was I didn't get the fish out soon enough. So, I also lost my rare yes rare Townsend Angelfish because the disease spread to it because I didn't get the Blue out fast enough. So now as I type my Yellow Tangs have it and are just getting better. My Blue Angels life was over in about a week when she first got the disease. I would suggest Maracyn (not Maracyn II) it is working on my Tangs. I would also do a copper treatment on your tank. (I am guessing you don't have a reef tank because you have a Koran Angel.) If you can set on up, I would get a Hospital tank. I hope this helps. You have a good chance to save this fish because you found it early.


Hey Terry your link didn't work. The update on the Koran is that he still eating like a mad man and is always infront of the tank wanting more. The purple tang is done picking on him, but he still looks faded all throughout his body and his fins have little tears in them. I give another update Friday.
Thanks for everyones comments.


Well the newest update is that he still looks the same. I've been feeding him everything soaked in garlic. Hopefully i'll see some changes in a couple of days.

bobby & kari

did you ever stop to think that its a good possiblity that your purple tang is beating up on your angle especially if your tang was in there first