Help with my stock list


New Member
Help me decide what to add to my tank. I have a 55 gallon long task, 80 lbs of sand and 70 lbs of live rock, with a 25 gallon wet/dry sump and 2 225 gph hobs. I am currently trying to figure out what to add to the tank, as it has been up a year now and is rather well established.
Current Stock list:
2 Yellow Tail Damsels
2 Cloudy Damsels
2 Tomato clownfish
1 Royal Gramma
1 Yellow Tang
1 Blue Hippo
1 Mandarin Dragonnet
1 Scooter Blenny
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Brain Coral - maze, 6 inch
3 green ric
1 2 mouth rich
1 orange ric
1 umbrella mushroom
1 red Caribbean mushroom
1 blue mushroom
3 various color zoos
3 unknown mushrooms
1 Orange Tree sponge
1 Red Frilly Sponge
Clean Up Crew:
40 hermits
2 brittle stars
1 peppermint shrimp
1 Galapagos cleaner shrimp
1 monkey shrimp
2 emerald crabs
1 serpent star
2 crown conchs
So, given that, what can/should I add to my tank. And, before the tang police get at me, The blue hippo is being moved to my son's 110 as soon as it is ready for her, as for the Yellow, he is very happy, swims with all the other fish, and is very well adjusted to his tank. basically, I want to add some more color and life to the reef and want some suggestions as to what would work well with the current stock. Thanks in advance for your advice and suggestions.
More corals would be fine. I would watch putting any more fish in that tank. If you want a cool fish the orange spotted rabbit fish is really nice.