Help with my tank.


hi, i am new to saltwater tanks and new to this forum. i have a question about my tank. I have a 30gal tank that has setup for about 2weeks now and i set it with salt and water. i just added about 7 pounds or cured live rock is there anything else i need to add to the to the water other than salt and water? thanks

devil dog

Active Member
Well first off welcome...
Now what are you going to have in there? Just fish and live rock? Or are you going to do a reef?
just start slow!!!! And read a lot about what you want to do or you will just waste your money...

tank a holic

Active Member
once you mix your salt water you need to test it to see if you need to add anything
check SG, ph, alk and calcium
make sure the water is up to temperature when you test
ps. if your ph is low dont just go adding buffer check alk and calcium first


Active Member
get a test kit from your local fish store or order one online.
get a saltwater book (like saltwater aquariums for dummies) that will serve as a reference on all the basic info you need to know.
Hurry up and wait. Add live rock as much as you want, but NOTHING else until youve waited a few weeks, and read up on the importance of maintaining water parameters.
Good Luck!
setting up a new tank is so fun!


You need carbon and phosphate remover, my first hard lesson after green hair algae was everywhere. Lfs's dont teach lesson until you ask about problems.