Help with new bubble coral


I just picked up this green bubble from my LFS three days ago. There is only one LFS that carries saltwater in my area so if you see something you want you gotta grab it. So I took my chances and bought this bubble which just came in and hadn't opened up fully yet.
It was partially open in the store and also partially opened when I first put it in my tank but the next morning it was totally closed and has stayed that way. I also have noticed absolutely no feeder tenticles at night or any time yet.
My parameters are..
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 5-10
ph 8.2
alk 4.00 meq/l
calcium 450
temp 80
salinity 35ppt
The first two days I had it mid tank in light-moderate current. I only have 420w VHO so I don't think the light was too bright at mid tank but today I just moved it to my sandbed near the corner of the tank to get it in the lowest flow area to see if that helps.
How far can a healthy bubble actually retract? Is it normal to see this much skeleton when it's retracted or did I buy a sick/dying bubble?


In my opinion I would say that your bubble is atleast in a small amount of trouble. There should be no skeleton exposed on a healthy bubble coral. It appears to have some missing tissue on the ends of the skeleton. I have seen healthy bubble corals retract that far before though. I would say that there still is hope for your coral though. I have heard of bubble corals coming back from the brink of death. My bubble corals always seemed to well in moderate flow and high to medium lighting. I would say that a bubble coral should not be placed on the sand bed, but rather higher up in the tank. It may just be adjusting to the lighting and water changes?


Agreed! I would move it up. Mine likes it half way up under the MH. Move it a bit and then leave it alone as to not cause it any further stress and hope for the best.


mine seems to do very well in the sand bed,and i have a deep tank.but besides the point ur lfs should have never sold u that BC if that what it looked like in the store.many will agree on this i bet. i would bring it back if i were you. if not good luck with it.
but heres nmine in the sand bed doing pretty good.


Well, I moved it back up to mid tank but this time in an area of lower flow and it is actually starting to open up a tiny bit now. I guess I'll just sit back and hope for the best.


Well it was opened partially at the LFS. It just came in about 4 hours before I bought it and I got a good deal so I took a chance. Also, I think I am one of their best customers so they would probably give me a refund if it dies right away. They usually hook me up pretty good there, I get corals at about half of the listed price.