Help with new tank after cylce


Here are the specs:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 0
dKH: 10
Calcium: 500>
pH: 8.3
Phosphates: .0
Copper: 0
Salinity: 1.023
Lights: 96w-10,000K PC's
Tank: 65 Gallon (36"x18.5"x24" tall)
Live sand substrate
70# Live rock
Cycled for 4 weeks
15 Hermit crabs
3 Turbo snails
I have a 10 gallon reef that I set up 4 months ago.
Have 10 different coral in this tank to see if it was somthing that I would be able to do before I started the 65 gallon tank. Everything is growing, thriving, Etc.
I put a piece of coral in the 65 gallon and it does not respond well. Levels in the 10 gallon are all identical except the calcium. Now I know that it is extremely high.
How do I lower calcium without effecting the other levels?
Also, suggestions on what else the problem may be.
Thank you in advance.


The light in the 10 gallon is 65w-20,000K. LFS (who I really trust) said this light will work, and does with theirs, on any coral they have in the shop. Not so? Sure hope not.


since you're using PCs on both if you think about it you have 6.5 watts per gallon in the 10 and not even 1.5 watts in the 65. Not that watts per gallon mean alot but in this case it's a big difference.


Sorry about the bad information. Just looked at the bulb in the 10 gallon and it is only a 15 watt. So that is about the same. Your opinion thats still not enough but, coral in the 10 gallon are doing great. So lighting would be about the same in the 65 gallon. Still no answer yet. I guess!


Well i'm still going to go with that's not even close to enough light, but someone should chime in soon. That's also a really tall tank for that lighting as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ZeroC
Well i'm still going to go with that's not even close to enough light, but someone should chime in soon. That's also a really tall tank for that lighting as well.
I agree that the lighting isnt sufficient, your having a serious drop in lighting intensity. in your 10 g they are 12 inches MAX from the light in your 65 chances are they can be much further (dont measure straight down depth wise figure a straight line from the bulb to the coral for distance if its slightly angled its going to make the line of sight for the light further) , PCs arent really powerful so the depth penetration fades fast 2" can make a HUGE difference in how much light a coral gets. IMO you should have Dual 96Wpc minimum on your tank. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. you may be able to keep most of your corals under that light its just going to take a while for them to acclimate to the lower light intensity. and your growth rate is probably going to be alot slower.


Z thank you for responding. Sorry I am not very specific with my equipment but, it is a dual pc. Its a Coral Life light with 2 double strips. One is white light the other is dark blue/actinic. Do you see any other problems? What about the calcium issue?
Thanks again, you the best!