Help with Oddysea Light


I just got my 36 inch metal halide today. Everything went on right and the LED's and flourescents worked. But the halide bulb is the big problem. It plugs into a regulator box and then into the wall. My roomate is an electrician and he says the regulator is the problem. When i got the package (no directions) and i looked at the regulator there was a vent for air and then there was this square hole in the bottom. Is it broken or is it supposed to be like that? When i plug in the MH light 1/2 way it lights up. When i plug it all the way in it doesnt work. Also when i plug it in there are spark sounding noises coming from where the regulator male cable goes to the light female cable. I need to know if i can fix this before sending it back and if anyone has had this problem as well


Active Member
if its brand new and giving you grief....send it back. Not the greatest brand of light, but still shouldnt have to go playing or fiddling with it right from the box.


Active Member
Why fix it? It's a product you bought new, expecting it to work. If the ballast connection is arcing, it's a safety issue and should be remedied. It sounds like a bad plug or receptacle. I'd send it back and have them send you one with no defects.


i have to send it back, then they have to test it and if fixable they will fix it, and if not fixable they will send a new one. Probably 3 weeks!!! i have had the tank for a month cycling and now i have to wait 3 more weeks. drives me crazy!!!


Originally Posted by LAXplaya
i have to send it back, then they have to test it and if fixable they will fix it, and if not fixable they will send a new one. Probably 3 weeks!!! i have had the tank for a month cycling and now i have to wait 3 more weeks. drives me crazy!!!
Good part is the light will be fixed when the tank is ready for additions. Bad part is you get what you pay for. Sorry, not the best of lights as they are chinese made and usually do not have a warranty AND have caused alot of problems in the past.
Here is a link to thread that disscusses the issue.