Help with overflow.


I have a eshopps overflow and when I bought it I was told that it would not loose suction and if the power went out it would pick up suction and start working again. It Dont. Am I doing something wrong? Also I can not get enough flow out of it is there anything I can do to get more water to go threw it? I would guess and say it doing about 300 gph. This cant be right.


I havent a clue. It has one utube in it and it will not hold a suction if the power goes out. then if the power comes back on the suction is lost so my pump runs dry.


ya i had the same problem, the problem is the stand pipes are to low so when power goes out the water is to low in outside box and in order for it to work right the water in the tank has to be the same level as the water in the outside box. therefore it does not stop suction until the water equals out but since the water is so low in the outside box the water in the tank goes way below the J tube causing it to loose suction. i just raised the stand pipe up, however that does slow down the suction power, i am going to buy U tube to replace the J tube. hope this make since


Active Member
Take a picture of it and post.
I have two eshopps on my 75 gal and they have never lost siphon. If you don't have enough flow, air can build up in the u-tube. I clean mine out with a wire/bottle brush as a maintenance item. Also, I took the foam pads out on day one.
You can cause any overflow (including RR) to slow down, if you totally submerge the drain line in your sump. Some people do that to reduce noise and air bubbles, but in fact you are reducing the flow with back pressure that produces the net result.
PS also I have had a snail get into a u-tube and once in the drain before. Now that reduces the flow big time...