Help with ph please.


Hi Everyone,
I'm the happy one with the new clowns. However, I now have a ph problem and NEED some help. I checked water this morning and everything looks good except ph dropped from 8.4-7.4!! I noticed my micro algea this morning turning a white/clear color. I was going to do a water test anyway. Numbers read,
I've read several threads on this board that said it's not a good idea to add chems and it's better to figure out what the problem is.
Are the clowns in danger? What can I do?
Thanks, Ant.


Active Member
Get a glass and fill it with water from your tank. Then mix in a
t-spoon of baking soda. Then pour this mixture into your tank, through the filter if possible. Do this once a day until your PH is where you want it.


Really?! That's all I need to do? No harm to the animals?
Thanks for the response, Ant.


Active Member
A PH of 7.4 is pretty darn low... what test kit are you using?? I would start with some water changes... you could also bring your salinity up a bit.


New Member
HI! I am new to having a tank and rely on my boyfriends novice advice for help. I take my water to the aquatic specialty store for readings, what to do to take reading at home; what to buy, etc?
thanks! ~ Jen


I know PH drops quite a bit through out the night but what is the norm in the morn...


I always check the water at the same time in the morning. The day before I added the clowns I did a water change. The day I put the clowns in the water readings in the morning were
SG 1.024
Amon/nitrite 0/0
nitrates 10
Ph 8.4
So, I added the clowns. The only two different things were the clowns and the frozen shrimp brine. Two days later the ph fell to 7.4, after checking it twice, and nitrates are between 10 and 20.
I'm going to take my water to the lfs and see what it reads. I know he will try and sell me a buffer but I'm going to hold out. I'm going to do a partial water change. I havn't decided on the baking soda yet. I'm hoping the tank just needs a chance to equilize with the new additions. I guess I just don't know. The clowns are doing fine. They ate great this morning and have been swimming around as usual. I still love watching them. I just don't want them to die.
Thanks for the input. More is appreciated. Ant.


Okay everyone here's the new info:
I took sample of water to lfs and they tested it for me; Ph 8.2, nitrates 10-20, nitrites 0, amonia trace (wasn't quite yellow, but didn't read green which was .25).
I came home and took the same water from the container and tested with my kit again. Everything came out with in normal limits! Ph 8.4, amonia/nitrites 0/0, nitrates 10-20.:notsure: So I took a fresh sample from the tank and did yet another test and they came out exactly the same. .:confused:
I am really baffled. I know I was excited and a bit scared because I'm so new at this hobby but I don't have a clue on what happened. I was thinking things weren't bad because the fish were happy and even ate this morning.
I really don't know what to say. I feel like I cried wolf for no reason. I appreciate all of the help I recieved.

Thanks, Ant.


Sorry I didn't answer earlier but I just bought a test kit for marine tank at the LFS store and follow the instructions for each test. It's really pretty easy. I know there are different kits you can by but the lfs that I was going to only had one kind. HTH, Ant.


New Member
Thanks so much!!! I am learning a lot from these message boards... you have know idea how dumb to this i really am.
:help: LOL
I will keep reading the postings and learn more and more!


Well, I doubt I'm any smarter really. I've learned tons from this board so that's a good start. Good luck to you and welcome to the board!


New Member
Hey Ant..Thank you for giving me this site information. I even posted something under the fish section. It was good talking to yu Sun and am glad to read that your tank ph is back to normal. Even I learned something...baking soda..


Active Member
Don't feel dumb. Asking questions is the smart thing to do. If you don't ask questins, you'll never learn. That is why we are all here, to help one another. As far as what to buy, get a test kit with the four major tests in it. Ph, nitrite, nitrate, and ammonia. It will cost anywhere from 20.00 on up. Take your time and read the instructions carefully.


New Member

Originally posted by trainfever
Don't feel dumb. Asking questions is the smart thing to do. If you don't ask questins, you'll never learn. That is why we are all here, to help one another. As far as what to buy, get a test kit with the four major tests in it. Ph, nitrite, nitrate, and ammonia. It will cost anywhere from 20.00 on up. Take your time and read the instructions carefully.

Thanks for the heads up! I am glad to know i am not annoying LOL... We are soaking everything up.