Help with plate coral...please

I recently purchased a long tentacle plate coral for my 24g aquapod. I have put it high in the tank on some rocks. The tentacles come out fully for only part of the day. I have a few questions if anybody can help...
Should it be lower, I have the standard lighting with the aquapod?
My maroon clown hangs out in it, does the constant rubbing from the clown keep them from extendiong?
water parameters are all good
thanks in advance


Active Member
This coral should be kept in the sand bed, thats where they are most comfortable. And yes your maroon is keeping it from fully extending its tenticles, if it keeps up it could very well kill your plate. Maroons are very aggressive hosts to anything. Good Luck.

thanks for the reply
I can put the marron in another tank. Will the plate coral sting a seahorse?
I was worried about that, so I placed high up on a flat rock


Active Member
actually keep them on the rocks, most people put them on sand beds and that is why they have a bad track record. the coral is not found in the sand in nature, and the "skirt" that drops down gets irritated in a sand bed. this will inhibit growth and lead to a cause of stress and death.
I do agree that the marroon hosting it will irritate the coral as well. and you should seperate them.

Ok I punted and put the plate coral in the tank without the seahorse and maroon clown, but I had put it on the sand. I have never seen a live one on the sand whil diving so Ill move it up. Any suggestions on how far below the the lights? It's in an aquapod with the standerd lighting (sunlight and dual spectrum actinic)


Active Member
standard lighting? as in, Normal Output (NO) flourecents ?
this coral need at the bare minimum PC's (power compact)
or better, T-5s or MH's

I thought the aquapod came with Power compact, if they are not, is will a PC fit in it? (24G) thanks in advance

It has dual 32W bulbs one is a dual actinic and the other a daylight's advertised as PC, is this not the case?