help with propagation setup.



Hey there. Im wanting to setup a little tank 10gal to farm some corals in. I was just planning on elevating some egg crate in the tank. Should I put some live rock or sand in the tank as well to help with filtration or does it even need it? Also what kind of lighting would you guys recommend. Should I go with a pair of 18w PC's or something bigger like a 75W MH? and what is more beneficial Actinics or whites? I just want to do some softies.


Active Member
I wouldnt add any rock or sand. Just use the eggcrate and have a powerhead or 2 for good flow. the PCs should be fine for softies, but if u wanna keep sps in it id use the mhs.


Id say get a hang on the back filter and i dont think you need much flow at all when you put freshly fragged corals in there. I would have sand and snails and hermits and Id use water from your main tank and maybe some of the bio spirals from your main tank as well to get the frag tank started. That way you have a established bio setup in your newly setup tank. Thats what I would do anyways.