Help with purchase


New Member
I have a 55 gal 18 mo old.I had a Penguin 350 Bio-Wheel ,a Red Sea Skimmer, 4Jebo powerheads. The Bio-wheel has quit pumping.
I know nothing about the plumbing,buying,and setting up for a refugium. Looking on this site I'm thinking of buying the ProClear Pro 75 wet/dry filter ($249.00) it has a pre-filter so I'm thinking I won"t need the Red Sea skimmer I am using. I don't know if I will continue to need the powerheads.I don"t know what pump to buy.
Would someone look on this site and recommend a wet/dry filter and pump? Thanks in advance Kackey


New Member

Originally Posted by coraljunky
I have a new mega flow 3 for sale, better than paying retail
Does it come with a pump? Will it suit my needs? How much? If I buy new I will have instructions. I need that