help with rebel camera- taking FTS


Active Member
does anyone here have the canon rebel eos that knows how to make the FTS look good? I can photograph independent objects but the FTS always comes out washed out or dark looking depending on how I shoot it.
Im running a 24g AP with 150w 14k MH sunpod. The tank is well lit and vivid but pics look like crap!!
heres a pic I just took a minute ago
Have you tried using aperture priority with no flash?
Of course if you do you have to compensate for the lack
of flash with a longer exposure, but not too long.


Active Member
Not sure how savy you are with your camera so try this first, make sure you are using evaluative metering and then try using exposure bracketing to take multiple pictures with different exposures. Bracketing will take 3 pictures with different exposure settings, one underexposed, one with normal exposure, and one overexposed. The problem with taking FTS is the lighting in our tanks is so variable, you have an are that is getting full light from your MH and two inches away you have a cave that is very dark in comparison. When you focus the camera on the cave it will set the exposure for the cave and over expose the rest of the picture and the opposite happens when you focus on the bright areas.
The best route is to use manual settings so that the exposure doesn't change based on where you focus the camera at this requires a little experimentation to get the right settings, but once you do your pictures will have the correct exposure each time.
Something That I think helps a lot is doing a high dynamic range with the FTS, this, in turn will give you a HDR for both under and over exposed portions. Basically combing 3 or more bracketed images and lacing them together into one. The more levels of exposure you have, the more detail can be attained in places that should have detail. Might be a little advanced, but once you get the hang of it, its extremely fun.
One way around taking the bracketed images is just to set your camera to RAW, and splicing the images down into basically infinite portions of exposures.


Active Member
I have thought about taking some HDR shots of my tank but I am waiting for a new lens for my camera so I can take some decent FTS, my living room isn't big enough to take a FTS with my 70-200mm 2.8

Using RAW will not be nearly as effective as changing the exposure on the camera and you can't process image data that isn't there such as blown out highlights which is very common on aquarium pictures, and this is a much more complex process to achieve a similar result.
One other suggestion for post processing is get a copy of Photoshop Elements, its a very powerful program that is fairly easy to use and somewhat inexpensive. It will allow you to fine tune your exposure settings and give you a little leway on the original settings. You should be able to get a copy for less than $100 actually much less if you catch it on sale or use mail in rebates.
Originally Posted by natclanwy
I have thought about taking some HDR shots of my tank but I am waiting for a new lens for my camera so I can take some decent FTS, my living room isn't big enough to take a FTS with my 70-200mm 2.8

Using RAW will not be nearly as effective as changing the exposure on the camera and you can't process image data that isn't there such as blown out highlights which is very common on aquarium pictures, and this is a much more complex process to achieve a similar result.
I agree 100%


Active Member
cool thanks guys
Im not too savvy with the camera yet but Im going to mess around a little to see what I can do.
Thanks for the recommendations!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shrimpi
cool thanks guys
Im not too savvy with the camera yet but Im going to mess around a little to see what I can do.
Thanks for the recommendations!
No problem, I am expecting to see some awesome shots from you. I have seen your closeup pics and they look awesome, so I have confidence that you will be able to get some great looking tank shots with a little practice.


Active Member
you can download Gimp 2.0 its alot like Photoshop and its 100% free
Also the FTS doesnt seem to bad since you have a MH lamp the tops of things will start to look blown out depending on the shutter speed you used.
Best thing to do is put it in M mode and put a fstop you want and play around with the shutter speed till you get a shot you like..then clean the rest of it up in Gimp or Photoshop