help with refugium


I started growing caulerpa in 30G rubbermaid that is connected to another 30G rubbermaid (sump) via a power head and gravity feed back down to sump about 2 weeks ago. there is 5" of LS in the refugium with about 40 lbs of LR. The caulerpa has attached to the LR nicely and has doubled in questions are....
When cutting back do you break the caulerpa at the halfway point since it is now to the top of the water and spreading out? or do you thin by pulling from the roots?
I also am getting green algae on the sides of the refugium, is this normal because there is so much plant life (and lighting) in there or should I add turbos or be cleaning it out??
I have a LOA 65W 6500K light on for 12 hrs, opposite my main tank lighting


I've been successful cutting it down 1/2 way when it reaches about 12". I keep some turbo's in there just so I can see through the glass. I do keep my lights on 24/7.

bang guy

I like to trim away the old growth. I have no basis for believing this but I think the old growth harbors most of the toxins and bad things ;) Unscientific reasoning for sure. My Caulerpa grows in the sand so it's pretty easy to uproot the old stuff.
For the micro algae I suggest some self-propogating snails like Spotted Conch, Cerith and Stomatella.