help with ro/di


Active Member
I think I made a big mistake hanging my unit. It is on my screen porch because I use the hose thru it. I hung it close to the door so the hoses were shorter, but the sun is hitting it, and three of the filters are getting algea on them. Can these be cleaned or just replaced. I am moving it farther back into the shade.

bang guy

Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Can I bleach them and declorinate them. They are only about 6 weeks old.
I wouldn't. Just cover them with something opaque so the algae dies and replace them when it's time.
They do make filter covers that are not clear. The algae is still going to grow even in the shade, they need to be in the dark. The charcoal filter removed chlorine so algae can survive after the charcoal has removed the chlorine. Chlorine destroys the RO filter membrane quickly.