Help with Sebae Anemone


My sebae An. has what looks like waste coming out of its mouth. Kind of like when a fish goes to the bathroom. One long black strand.
Is the Sebae just getting rid of some waste, or is he starting to spit up his insides, like I have read in some posts?
I bought him today, aclimated him for about 2 hours. He is tacky to the touch and is fastened to a rock. He looks really good, but just want to be sure.
Thanks for the help


Active Member
Looks like he is getting rid of waste, he looks a little bleached which is common with thse guys when you first get them sometimes,feed him and give him good light, also great water is important, here is mine:)


Thanks for the input. My system has been up for a year now and has been very stable, Knock on wood :) , so I thought it would be safe to add an anemone.
I looked at him this morning, and he is now curled up, laying sideways near a rock. I will see what he does when the light come back on. The mouth is still open and not closed tight, as I have read they should be. He also does not feel real stickey.
Hopefuly in a few more days, when its more comfortable in the tank, it will start getting better.
Thanks again for the help. Give some advice on Sebaes if you have them :)