Help with setting up up 40 long as sump


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
You can always do a remote DSB if you wanted to.
I'd shoot for 10X through the sump. But if your tank only has one drilled OF, and it looks like it does, then the mag 7 s fine.
Is that plumbing the drain? If so the hose barb 90 will not work at all. Likewise you need yo increase the diameter of the drain and use no tight bends,45 fittings are fine, but try not to make them back to back. i would go with 1.25 out of the drain, (each drain if it has 2) then if it splits off you can go smaller, but still no tight bends and keep it as large as you can.
Your sump looks like it might be OK, but there are some issues thet you might have, bubble management, backwash, did you calculate for it? I preffer more baffles to control the flow myself.
Not sure what you mean by the drain won't work. I justed had it circulating water with my mag 7 and then a friends mag 12. Neither pump was able to out perform the drain. I was going to replace the hose barb 90,but since the previous guy had been running his tank for several years with it I figured that I'd just replace it if I had issues. Is there something other than just throughput that you were concerned about?
I have two baffles between the skimmer chamber and the return so far that seemed to prevent all of the microbubbles and I figure that once I put the filter media in between that will be extra prevention against bubbles.


Active Member
So I've decided to build my own media filter cartiridge to hold phosban and carbon and plass it in between the baffles. I have a 2 x 2 x 12 inch space in between the baffles and I'm planning on using cross stich plastic matting/canvas (sheet of plastic with small holes) to build it out of. I'll post pics as I assemble it.
I've always used Phosgard, but I'be been thinking about switching to GFO from BRS (bulk reef supply). It will save a bundle and I heard it works better. Any thoughts here?
I'm also planning on building a DIY ATO from Melevs reef. I'll post pics of that too.
So the final layout/design is that the left chamber will house an Octopus NW200, then my forced flow media cartridge thingy. The center chamber will house the return pump, heaters, ATO supply and float switch, and a frag rack. The right chamber will house mangroves, chaeto, and another frag rack. Next to the sump will be the ATO 5 gallon reservoir.
I've also decide to go with BRS's two part kit as soon as I've used up my Seachem stuff.