Help with Setup of 55g


Active Member
I have started the setup of my 55g reef system. I bought the tank and everything from a guy who upgraded. It came with 60lbs of live sand and a refugium system. I needed to re-silicone the refugium so it is not up yet. I expect to bring it on line on Saturday. Yesterday I got 25lbs of live rock that was removed from someone's aquarium so I needed to set up the main tank so that the live rock would not die too much. So here is what I have done...
Added Sand & Rock. Added water, put powerheads and heater in place. Let it run overnight. There is no filter yet as the refugium system is still drying.
I bought the wrong test kit (reef kit, not basic salt kit) so I have not tested pH or Amonia yet. I will get those test today and test it when I get home.
So my question is around setting up the refugium. I have the fine sand needed and some live rock to put in on it. When do I put Chaeto in it? After the cycle or during the cycle?
Thanks, J


Active Member
You might as well not test your tank for a little while anyways because there isnt much you can detect for the first little bit. The ammonia will rise, I would just wait a couple of days before testing because anything before that would kind of just be a waste. I tested mine after it was up for one week for the first time, then every other day after that until the cycle was near complete. At that point I didnt test for a week (I was on vacation) and when I came back all my levels were in check. I would wait a little bit on the Chaeto (although this is just assuming, I have no idea) because I would imagine that the water needs to run for a few days before hand. I dont think that the ammonia would affect the chaeto at all but I could be wrong (considering plants are planted in manure a lot of times, which is high in ammonia).


I would give the system one week or so before adding in the chaeto. You dont really have any nitrates forming in the system yet which would help the chaeto to grow and stay alive. I am assuming you will have a light for the refugium as well?
Are you using the shrimp method or ghost feeding for cycling the tank? Need to get something in there to jumpstart the process.
Congratulations on your new setup. And remember, pictures are always nice.


Active Member
Thanks for the tips.
So as yet, I have not done anything to start the cycle. The sand (and rock) was in established tanks (different) and the sand sat around for a 4 days without circulating water. had some snails in it and a few died between the old tank take down and my bringing it back up. At least one lived and was on the front of the tank this morning, so I have somethng to look at!

I got a light for the fuge as well. A small flourescent was all I was told to get. Is that ok?
Picks and levels will be forthcoming when I it is cleared up a bit. It is a bit ugly now.


Since you have a bunch of sand and rock from an established tank you might be cycled all ready. I would definitely check water parameters though. So should be ok to set up the refugium anytime then. Yes, a small flourescent like is perfect for the refugium. Thank goodness for that. With how expensive all of the other lights are. LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by trigger11
Since you have a bunch of sand and rock from an established tank you might be cycled all ready. I would definitely check water parameters though. So should be ok to set up the refugium anytime then. Yes, a small flourescent like is perfect for the refugium. Thank goodness for that. With how expensive all of the other lights are. LOL
So here are my parameters...
Temp: 79
SG: 1.021
pH: 8.3
Nitrate: 0
Ammonia: .50
Can you tell by these if the tank has started cycling?


From the parameters you listed your tank is still cycling looks like.
So here are my parameters...
Temp: 79
SG: 1.021
pH: 8.3
Nitrate: 0
Ammonia: .50
The ammonia being at .5 and the nitrites at 15 is the indication. You will want to have both of these at zero before adding any inverts / fish.
I would also bump up your SG to 1.025. Where you have it now at 1.021 would be ok for just fish but inverts need to be a little higher.
One other important test to run is for alkalinity. Although with your ph being at 8.3 the alk is likely good.