help with shrooms


New Member
Hey all new here- and have seen some great tanks

Can anyone out there tell me how, if it is possible,to make my mushrooms spread faster i have a ton but dont like to wait for them to split. Is there anyway i can cut them or will that be a good way to just kill them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by n8
Hey all new here- and have seen some great tanks

Can anyone out there tell me how, if it is possible,to make my mushrooms spread faster i have a ton but dont like to wait for them to split. Is there anyway i can cut them or will that be a good way to just kill them?
Do a search at the top on "fragging mushrooms" there are several threads on how to. Welcome to the boards. If you can't find your answer there someone will help ya out. Barry


New Member
thx for the reply I have been looking into the frags but most of them deal with glueing already fragmented ones im tyring to cut them into sections where each will grow on its own----Im trying to post some images soon i will have them up thx again
I looked deeper and there is stuff about cutting...never will doubt again


Active Member
Originally Posted by n8
thx for the reply I have been looking into the frags but most of them deal with glueing already fragmented ones im tyring to cut them into sections where each will grow on its own----Im trying to post some images soon i will have them up thx again
I looked deeper and there is stuff about cutting...never will doubt again

Welcome to the boards N8.
If you can remove the mushroom rock and slice the mushrooms right down the center this was you wont have to deal with gluing because they will allready be attatched , you may also want to put some direct flow on the and they may move and leave there foot. this worked for me with one mushroom