Help with SLIME!


My tank is in the beginning stages of its first cycle. I'm about a week into it.
Today, I noticed some clear slime in various places on some of the live and base rock. Any idea what it is? Is it normal? Will it go away on its own?


As far as my levels go, they are:
pH: 8.2
temp: 79
ammonia: 1.0 (0.8ish yesterday)
nitrites: 0 ppm
nitrates: 10 ppm
gravity: 1.022


Active Member
how much live rock do you have and is it already cured? or did you just order it from online and throw it in your tank? if the rock isn't cured it may be part of the die off process.


I have 10 pounds dead/base rock and 10 pounds live rock that was supposed to have been cured... although the "cured" and "uncured" rock was all in the same vat - so I don't know if that makes a difference.
It seems like most of the slime appears on the dead base rock


Active Member

Originally posted by Spongebob1
Do I need to worry about getting it out, or will it go away?
:confused: :notsure:

Spongebob I got stuff growning up all over my rocks.. green hair, red slime some die off..
One thing I did last night was create more downflow of water from the powerheads.. This is clearing up the red slim on the rock and sand..
I wouldnt worry about it much.. Just watch your water chemistry..
OH and for god sakes!! Add some plants :)


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by RazorEQX
OH and for god sakes!! Add some plants :)

ditto :D
also I think the yellow you circled is probably some sponge.


lol - I've only been in the forum for a week, and I have already seen that beaslbob is infamous for his plant comments. :)

barry cuda

If you're tank is only a week into the cycle and ammonia is still going up, you'll need to get those critters out. I don't think any of those are likely to survive the cycle...


I realize that. I made the mistake of listening to the goobers at ***** who never said a THING about letting it cycle... they knew I was just starting it up, and they didn't hesitate for a second to sell me any critters.
I'm just hoping that they can continue to ride it out - I don't have another place to put them and *****, of course, won't take them back.
I think I'm at the peak of the ammonia spike - I expect it to drop off very soon.


Active Member
also I think the yellow you circled is probably some sponge.
I agree with this, you will be amazed at what grows out of your rock. Even 2 or 3 years down the road you will see new things.
you'll need to get those critters out. I don't think any of those are likely to survive the cycle...
I have to disagree with this. They will survive. Sponges will grow like weeds as long as you don't expose them to air. If they survived so far, they will be there after your cycle.


Hey don't bad mouth *****...Not all stores are bad... I am the fish specialist at a store in PA ... I understand a lot of people that work there are stupid, but if the store has employees that know anything I'm sure they could take the fiah back and hold them for you until your tank is ready...sorry on behalf of *****



Originally posted by spun710
... I understand a lot of people that work there are stupid,

Many of us understand that as well,
and to their credit there have been some posters who stick up for the knowlegdeable staff at ***** and many other LFS. However after you have been there long enough you will find that the Corporation doesn't care about the fish, they are only a draw item, the money is in the dry goods.
You have a right to stick up for them and even tell us about good things that go on there. Others have the right to do the same thing with good or bad experiences. just keep that in mind.
Its good to see someone working there who cares enough to belong to SW boards and learn all they can. I personally stand and appluad(sp?) you, as I know many of the members here would be glad to hear of it as well. It is good to hear that you are a fish specialist and I hope to see more of you in the fish disscusion forum dispensing your knowledge as well as in the disease and treatment forum I hope.
Welcome to the board.