help with stock list

good alex

I have a 150g reef tank, with a 55g fuge that has a skimmer and a uv sterelizer. The DT has about 200lb of lr and a sand bed of 2-3in. After saving up for a while and finishing my fuge project ive decided to stock my tank. I will be constructing my own canopy for my lights and to prevent anyone from jumping.
2 skunk cleaner shrimp
cuc hermits and snails
yellow tang
sixline wrasse
2 perc clowns
Powder Blue tang or Purple tang
midas blenny
flame angel
neon goby
school of anthias (1 male 3females)
purple pseudochromis
I have a QT tank set up right now, so everyone will go through hypo before entering the DT.
Right before i add the second tang i will be adding about a 100 lb of lr to mess up the terrortoy of the YT so hopefully there wont be that much fighting.
Would like to know if everyone will coexist together, and once i figure the actual list then i will decide who will go in what order.
Thanks, alex


My flame angel became a nightmare until I finally caught it and took it to the LFS. For the first few months, the flame was great, didn't bother any coral. But after that it started to pick on the xenias, then the leathers, then the brain. It was driving me insane and the bugger was hard to catch. My xenia looks a mess now but hopefully it will recover. I'll never buy another angel for a reef tank ever!

good alex

Ya i was reading that if you get the flame angel small and feed it meaty and prepared foods, they wont nip at your corals unles they are hungry. So hopefully i can find one thats about 2-3 inches

good alex

im kinda re thinking the powder blue tang, because they can get pretty big. do you think i should replace the powder with an achilies, i kno there also hard fish to keep but they dont get as big.
Yea avoid angels period cause I think the whole species of angels nip or eat corals
Tangs are reef safe though but monitor them just in case


A fair warning... once you get a flame angel and it starts nipping at corals, it's VERY hard to get it out, especially if you have your live rock and coral all in place. It's a smart fish and it'll hide in between the rocks. Impossible to get out unless you start moving things around.

good alex

Im aware of the flame angel, its a hit or miss with the corals, tangs however are reefsafe, why would i have to monitor the tangs?? There herbivores.
anyone else have any thoughts about my stock list?

good alex

This is the order that i will be putting the fish in the tank.
The midas blenny and neon goby can go in at any time because they are very docile.
2)purple pseudochromis
3)flame angel
sound good?


Originally Posted by Good Alex
Im aware of the flame angel, its a hit or miss with the corals, tangs however are reefsafe, why would i have to monitor the tangs?? There herbivores.
anyone else have any thoughts about my stock list?

Not sure if this helps at all but I have recently upgraded to a 200G tank as well and I was thinking of going with a Yellow Tang and a Purple Tang. I read the description on here for the purple tang about not putting a purple tang and yellow tang together. I'm not sure why and I havent been able to find any more info than that.


Active Member
Yellow and purple tangs are same body type and will fight. I have heard purple tangs are super aggressive.

good alex

Originally Posted by Good Alex
im kinda re thinking the powder blue tang, because they can get pretty big. do you think i should replace the powder with an achilies, i kno there also hard fish to keep but they dont get as big.

any comments about this

good alex

well heres an update, over the past 2 weeks i bought:
1 purple back pseudochromis
1 fire fish
4 female lyretail anthias
there in a 20g QT. im starting hypo today.
heres some pics