help with stocking



well i recently got a 120 gallon and was wondering if you guys could help me out on stocking, ive got the corals and stuff covered just wants some opinions on what fish to put in there, currently i have:
1 foxface lo
1 pair of false perculas
1 green mandarine
i was thinking of getting a blue throat trigger, and maybe a naso but not sure whether my tank was big enough, i definantly want a blue throat trigger, i also like the yellow cories wrasse, any suggestions are welcome...


make sure the trigger dosnt pik on the green madarine also a nice angel would look nice in there


The blue throat trigger should be fine, it is considered one of the few "reef safe" triggers. You just have to watch them around shrimp.


Get a small group of Blue Dansels. Like 3 or 4. Blue Tang would also look nice in there, right along with a pair of Candy Stripe Cardinals. It would also be SWEET if the Cardinals breed. Seeing the female with a bunch of babies in her mouth is always fun! They are alittle small though, so watch what other fish you get along with them. Reef safe Wrasse's are also fun to watch. If you can, get a cleaner wrasse (or shrimp) b/c it's helps with parasites, but they are alittle hard to take care of.
Also, the Naso Tang is very pretty. I will have one in my tank once I get a big tank.