got it all on. 3 coats on everything. Looks super nice. Next weekend I'm going to try to move it in the apt. That is going to be a REAl challenge. The doors are only 6'8" high, the stairways have 3 180 deg. turns, and the entrence to my apt is on an angle. I've got 2 concrete workers, a underground laborer, a body builder and my self to help. Oh, and my girl to get the doors, pizza and beer.
I'm going to bring the canopy first, since it's the lightest and the same length as the stand (85 1/8") I fwe can get that up here, the rest will fit. I'll show pics of the move just for fun.
Kepp me posted on your top. remember measure, measure, and then measure it again before you cut it. Also think ahead. Think about what you want the corners to look like before you cut and build. My front board edges are routered with a 1/2 half round, and cover the edges of the side board. Gives a professional look. and hides the uglyness. Also, I used a neumatic finishing nailer to put the stand together. as for the canopy, i did'nt want to see nail holes or screws, so u used small "L" brackets on the inside if all corners and some wood glue. 2 on each. I hade some extra, so I used the rest to keep the canop on the tank. I post afew pics this week end on my site so you can see.
Good luck.