help with sump


i have a 55 gal and want to use my 10 gal as sump. i have in my tank right now 2 emporer 400 ancd 4 powerheads. my question is how can i build a sump with my 10 gal and also do i need my 2 filters in my tank.


please help me. i would rather save money. i need to know if i sould use a 10gal or buy this sump


Active Member
What your looking at there on e-buy is a "sump/fuge" combo...
Which is different than just a sump..
Making just a sump out of you 10 gallon tank would be easy and much cheaper than this set up...But you wouldnt have the benifit of a fuge...But you could add one...
Two things/questions...
1.You don't have a skimmer...?? This "set" would give you one...or you could/should purchase one seperately...
2. I didn't see an "overflow" to remove water from the tank, but they do advertise a CA 600 pump to pump water from the tank and a CA 1400 to pump it back...That is NEVER a good idea...I don't care if they do say the 1400 is "adjustable" ...You will NEVER get the two pumps "balanced" and will have flooding issues ...
Are you looking for just a sump..or looking to replace your current filtration system...??
If so, this unit "may" be a good "starter kit" to work with, but would require the addition of a reliable HOB overflow...


well this is what i have i have 2 emporor 400 power filters, a heater, and 4 power heads. i want to get rid of everything in the tank.and have just a overflow. but i was wondering do i need the power filters and also would that kit be better than me getting a skimmer, pumps, and etc.. for my 10 gal i have at home


Active Member
Part of that depends on how "handy" you are...
You could "convert" your 10 (I'd suggest starting with a bigger tank) into a S/F for relatively cheap, then spend your money on a beter skimmer, lights ,pumps, and HOB overflow...
Or you could buy that unit and have a "small" start...
Looking at the "dimentions" given...(14"x8"x20" ) thats only a 10 gallon tank ... (small)... and with that perspective...shows that skimmer is very small as well...
That size S/F on a 55 would be relatively innefficient (whether you built or bought) .
If you are "handy" and want to persue this, you may want to concider a 30 long tank, build your own "baffles" add a pump and HOB overflow, buy a "good" skimer, add lights and Macros to the fuge...
Along with adaquate LR in the tank and good flow (you may want to hang on to your powerheads untill you explore C/L systems) ...You would be able to get rid of the "filters" compleatly and move some of the other equipment out of your MT...