Help with T5 bulbs


Hi, my tank is about 15 months old. I currently have the Nova Extreme Pro T5 lighting. From researching on here, it looks like it's time to replace the bulbs. What brands should I look at and which colors? I don't know too much bulbs. Thanks for your help.


Active Member
IF you like the color output from your bulbs get the same kelvin rating as what you have. I would honestly think any name brand would do -- but there are a bunch of kelvin ratings out there which can affect the color. I think most multi-bulb fixtures run a mix of actinic and 10k bulbs or something to that effect.


Thanks for your response. I think the bulbs I have now are 10k and actinin. I'd really like more of a MH lighting look. If I wanted that what would I go with. Sorry, but like I mentioned I don't that much about lighting.


Active Member
ATI Blue Plus
ATI Aquablue Special
ATI or UVL Pure Actinic
UVL Aquasun
ATI Blue Plus
ATI Aquablue Special
Should be whitish/blue with more PAR than you'd get from the Current lamps.
I figured I'd piggy-back off of this thread then start my own.
If I want to replace my HO 54W T5 bulb with another, does it have to be another HO T5 bulb (obviously still @ 54W)? Or can I replace with a VHO T5 bulb (@ 54W)?
I'm guessing it has to remain at HO because of the ballests, but not sure.