Help with Tangs


Well, first of, I am a very pissed off at the customer service department of this website. They can't even answer a *******question for me so that my husband could place an order. You would think since that we were trying to spend almost $300 - $400 they would help, but NO.
So, maybe you can help me... so that we can order our fishies.
We have a 200 gallon aquarium. We have a few smaller fish and were wanting to add some more. We would like a Powder Brown Tang, a Pacific Sailfin Tang, and a Yellow Tang. But the info we have found has been very mixed. We have heard that they do better in groups. Does that mean a group of tangs in general or does that mean that we should get all of one kind of tang. And is it ok to have that many Tangs in a big aquarium. Every place does say they are compatible together.
Help and fast please!!!!!
Thanks :happyfish


Active Member
I think that list sounds ok together. Although you may see some aggresion towards the powder brown in the beginning. If possible add the powder brown first. Then the sailfin and the yellow at the same time. Again IF POssible give the powder time to establish territory before you add the others. May I ask what else you have in the tank?


Active Member
Sorry for your difficulties getting an email response. As you can tell by the prices (low overhead) SWF doesn't employ a lot of employees. That's what the forums here are for.
Tangs are a difficult breed. in a 200 you might be ok, but it will depend on the individual fish. Tangs of like body type can fight. (they have those caudal spines for a reason). I'm surprised in your reading that hasn't come up.
The bottom line is you won't see many people suggesting keeping similar body type tangs in the same tank. In a tank your size you might be ok, and you might have a civil war.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Sorry for your difficulties getting an email response. As you can tell by the prices (low overhead) SWF doesn't employ a lot of employees. That's what the forums here are for.
Tangs are a difficult breed. in a 200 you might be ok, but it will depend on the individual fish. Tangs of like body type can fight. (they have those caudal spines for a reason). I'm surprised in your reading that hasn't come up.
The bottom line is you won't see many people suggesting keeping similar body type tangs in the same tank. In a tank your size you might be ok, and you might have a civil war.

I agree 100% .. I just figured she could get away with it in that tank becuase each fish should have it's own space


We have a pair of clown fish, a pair of damsels, a mandrian dragonet, and a blue devil damsel. I think. It's a LONG story, but we got the tank several weeks ago by sheer circumstance. It had a sailfin and a yellow tang in it at the time ,but we lost both of them in the move. Those 2 had gotten along very well in the tank together. Now everything is settled and all the tests have shown just fine for 2 weeks now. It's all up in running, but in a 200 gallon tank, those little fishes hide most of the time and it just looks like a tank of water and rock


my sailfin is not mean at ALL! The yellow tang and sailfin tang are the same shape so maybe you would have a problem but it is unlikely in a 200 gallon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
my salifin is a mean big guy.. i doubt he would be o.k with a yellow
yellow tangs can hold their own .. .. I have 3 in my 210 along with a purple a naso


just a fyi, I did not put anything in my post for them to blank out. I get angry, but I don't use curse words. I said they would even answer a question for me. I did not put a curse word in there.


Active Member
None of the species you listed need to be kept in groups, neither of their own or with other tangs...IMO, those should be ok together but there are never any gauantees in this hobby. My Sailfin and Yellows ignore each other....


Active Member
Originally Posted by FalynHarris
just a fyi, I did not put anything in my post for them to blank out. I get angry, but I don't use curse words. I said they would even answer a question for me. I did not put a curse word in there.
No worries, but you actually did use a common curse word. That's why I bleeped it. Unless of course you were referencing the Hoover dam and mispelled it...


Active Member
Originally Posted by FalynHarris
We have a pair of clown fish, a pair of damsels, a mandrian dragonet, and a blue devil damsel. I think. It's a LONG story, but we got the tank several weeks ago by sheer circumstance. It had a sailfin and a yellow tang in it at the time ,but we lost both of them in the move. Those 2 had gotten along very well in the tank together. Now everything is settled and all the tests have shown just fine for 2 weeks now. It's all up in running, but in a 200 gallon tank, those little fishes hide most of the time and it just looks like a tank of water and rock
If the water has been fine for only a few weeks just give the fish time. They will come out. Everything is new to them and sometimes it takes a bit of time for them to swim around like normal. They have to get used to you also.