help with timer


Active Member
I am looking for some type of timer that I can plug multiple things into that I can set each one to turn on at different times.
I want one timer that will turn my actinics on at 9:00a.m. turn my MH and canopy fans on at 10:00, and then the actinics off at 9:00p.m. and the MH and fans off at 8:00p.m.
Does anyone know if this is possible, I would prefer to hard wire all of this into one unit. I do not have anyroom on my strip outlets for multiple plug in timers. Or if any of you have any other suggestions that would be great. I am thinking I may have to just hard wire all my lights and fans into the same industrial timer and they will all have to go on and off at the same time. I also don't know if you can wire all those different things together like that. My husband does all my DIY stuff.


Hum nice idea. If there is such a thing it would cost a fortune. I think neptune might make something like that. I did run across some powerstrips that are about 3 feet long that have about 5 outlets on them which give you more space for timmers. I got 3 powerstips strapped to the wall and 2 attached to the tank stand, and a few 3 way extension cords.


Active Member
I could almost swear I have seen something like that before, but I can not remember where I saw it. If I think of it, I will let you know.


Birdy, maybe ask this question in reef area, Im sure all those guys have six or seven timers and at least 28-30 different sets of lights on each tank......


I wired some receptecles into my hood, far enough apart to plug in those cheapo light timers. I had to use the 'shallow' junction boxes due to space issues. Then a little DIY with the plug so that more than one light runs off a single plug.
Gotta be careful not to over-load those little timers. I think I melted two down with Christmas lights before I learned how to do it. ;)


Well-Known Member
It almost sounds like you need/want an x10 system. x10 is a home automation protocol using the wireing in your house as the network. I use x10 for my tanks' lighting but that is because I originally set it up to control my xmass lights.
The idea is that a control unit programmable with you computer can control up to 255 units. The computer does not have to be connected after programming the controller. The controller is plugged into a wall outlet and sends signals through the house wiring. Slave units can be at any wall outlet like next to your tank. That way you can turn things off and on depending on how you programmed the control. The controller even has setting from sunrise and different days of the week.
It is not fool proof and occasionally a unit does miss a command. I had to make sure I had back up commands to make sure lights would operate if a command was missed for instance. You might try x10 or smart home.
Good luck


yeah -- x-10's
lowes and probably home depot have them
been round for years
keep getting better
ie -- now with computers as above pointed out -- but dont have to have a computer even with a timer mechanism I think
there is a catalog available
I have them all over my house
was thinkng of having them on my tank as well
as of now though I just have 4 regular light timers (1 for actinic, 1 for 10000K white, and 2 for powerheads (4 powerheads total but 2 run 24-7)
for those of you thinking of buying timers----make sure you get 3 prong even if you are using a 2 prong plug - more heavy duty and can use in future as well - about $10 bucks at lowes ( I don't think home depot had 3 prong)
oh - and make sure you have a power strip of some type where the plugs are far enough apart to not cover up an unused plug with a timer


I use Radio Shack's Plug and power x10 system. all sorts of great things you can get with them. I even have a remote unit which doesn't plug into the wall I can carry arround the house with me.