Help with trapped Rose Bulb


:help: I got up this morning to find that my anemone got up into the power head of my protein skimmer
. I am not sure if anyone is familiar with the CPR models but I tuned it off and took out the intake funnel and he really is stuck in there good.
How do I get it out of there? Any suggestions? :help:


Just put it in the tank and let him get himself out. Forcing him out could cause more damage. In the meantime look for some type of sponge to cover that power head. This happens from time to time and they can usually get themselves out.
Run some fresh carbon as well.


Ok should I disconnect the intake funnel form the power head or should I leave it connected? Well I guess my question is which is better, because this is a first to me so I took and left the intake funnel out and the anemone was all the way in kind of looks like it might have gotten to the prop.


Ouch. What part of him got into the prop? Tenticals or column?
Definatly run the fresh carbon, and might even want to get a small water change ready.
If you can disconect the (basket?) of the power head, without hurting it, then fine.


Yeah it seemed like just the tentacles got into the prop a couple of them looked a bit tore up, but it also looks like some of the column is sucked in to the basket as you put it. What kind of sponge do you recommend, and will that affect the skimmer? and while on the skimmer if i where to put some kind of sponge on the skimmer outlet will that keep all the small bubbles from getting into the tank?



Sponge filters should be able to fit over the plastic basket and protect things from getting into the slots of the basket. Not sure what it would do to the skimmer.


Its great that it was able to get out but look at how it looks now sorry about the pic quality.



Active Member
Congratulations that it survived, I had a BTA do that a couple months back, he was able to get himself out too, and although he looked a little macked up, he recovered fully.