help with worms??


New Member
What are these? they look like oval brown flat spots. Thought they were algea until I saw one move like a snail. All over my mushrooms, a few on the glass and see some on my xeniidae. help please.



They are flat worms. I have tried to rid my tank of them for over a year. I get most of them out and they seem to come right back. First try to siphon as many out as possible with a small piece of tubing. Be careful not to allow to many of them to die in the tank, they release a toxin when they die. They don't seem to effect any of my coral, they are just ugly and a nuisance. There are products that seem to work (depending on who you talk to) to rid them as well. Good luck

yosemite sam

Active Member
Yes, they are red flatworms. As dodgr said, they can be a pain to get rid of. Salifert makes a product called Flatworm Exit that works to some extent, but it will help to start siphoning them out during water changes.