Help..Xenia is dying


What would cause my pulsing xenias to curle up and try to die? They used to be healthy but now my pulsing xenias are closing up and falling over.


someone once told me these things are great indicators of water conditions....Sounds like something might be off in your water. I would test it. Old/weak lighting can cause them stress too. If it were me, I would do a water change if you have not done one in a while.


Active Member
How's your lighting? How's your water quality? When was the last time you did a water change? Do you dose/add any supplements?


i dose mon,wed, and friday with kents liquid reactor then on sunday I add my essential elements. I do about 10% water change every 2 weeks


Active Member
Xenia is known to get an infection that causes part or all of it to die. Typically the infected parts turn white and shrivel up, sometimes bits of the xenia fall off. I have experienced this many times with my peach pulsing xenia, but I have enough of it in the tank that I've never done anything about it. However, I do know that the best way to treat it is to carefully cut off all infected parts. But, as stated, your xenia could also be a sign of some bigger problem with your water or lighting.


Xenia had taken over my 180, had it all across the tank, waving, each water change I'd cut bunches out and toss it. Then one day, it just started dying off, I'd say within 2 weeks it was all gone for no apparent reason...I've read this before also...


I thought I read somewhere that xenias actually like water that is not prestine. Hopefully mine won't die.


Active Member
Mine always do better after a water chance or a kalk dose. Seems it's got to have something to do with water parameters (kalk or alk perhaps?). J_G, I still haven't seen you post your water params... so it's hard to say what's causing your Xenia trouble.
Iodine may be the solution, I don't know. But make sure you need to add it... iodine can go from beneficial to toxic in a hurry.


Active Member
I too believe that Iodine is a great supplement for Xenia. Make sure that you purchase an accurate Iodine test kit before starting to dose.